Description: Wetlands for Adams County, WI. The data layer is in Wisconsin Transverse Mercator (WTM) projection system, North American Datum 1983 with the 1991 adjustments.
Copyright Text: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Watershed Management
Description: Current and past landfill and dump locations were collected from the WI DNR Solid and Hazardous Waste Information System (SHWIMS). SHWIMS coordinates were plotted and intesecting land parcels were selected and exported to form this zoning overlay. This was done on 2012-10-12, parcels may have changed since. Some non-intersecting parcels were seelcted at the Adams County Landfill in Strongs Prairie off Highway 21, and a large subdivision outlot intesected by the Strongs Prairie Dellwood Site was modifed to restrict the overlay district to the area near the DNR coordinates.